Adversary or asserts

Too often the people that we interact with in life, and especially in the workplace fall into two categories, adversaries or assets. Adversaries are the people who we feel are on the opposite side of where we stand; while assets are the people that we feel are on our side. These are people that we are ready to work with without hesitation. Unfortunately, our workplace adversaries are sometimes members of our own teams who we must work with whether we feel like it or not. 

Please note that the word “feel” is used here. This is because the determination of whether an individual is an adversary or an asset is not always based on sound logic. We have all at some time used the phrase “rubs me up the wrong way.” This is when a normally logical individual instinctively makes the illogical decision not to act in a manner that shows liking or even respect for another. Very often this decision is not even consciously made. Which means the process is undetected until it manifests in noticeable conflict.Continue reading...

A stitch in time saves nine

A stitch in time saves nine. But what happens if you don’t have a needle? We were all brought up with sayings such as these. Unfortunately we seem to apply them only to our clothing, if at all we do. However in our day to day activities there are some things that we can do to prevent small issues becoming big disputes. 

I would like to believe that every time a relationship is established between an employer and an employee, there is mutual benefit for both parties. It only makes sense that when a company employs an individual there is an expectation that the relationship will last for the duration of the work to be done. In this relationship the employer makes a pledge to pay the individual an agreed upon amount of money at the end of every month, and the individual in turn pledges to perform the work of the employer to the best of his abilities. I don’t want to believe that either party gets into the relationship with a plan to defraud the other. At least not in normal relationships. But somehow towards the terminating of the relationship, trust issues suddenly arise. In fact in some instances these trust issues are the ones that lead to the ending of the relationship. One party feels that the other party is defrauding them. 

There are many different ways that this defrauding can take place. An employer might be of the opinion that the employee is not performing to the best of their ability. That perhaps they are using time that should be spent executing the employers work taking care of other things. Or the employer might feel that the employee is not doing enough to protect the property of the company, or is in fact abusing company property. He might feel that the employee’s manners are costing the company potential business. Continue reading...